This is a picture blog of the travels of Slow Pace and crew during our 2014 cruise from our mooring at
Stanstead Abbotts to the Fens.

Our route will be via the River Lee, Hertford Union Canal, Regents Canal, Grand Union Paddington Arm,
Grand Union, GU Northampton Arm, River Nene, Mid-Level Navigations, River Great Ouse and The Cam.

Here a two maps to help plot our progress:

Canal Map South East

Canal Map South East

Fens Waterways Map

Fens Waterways Map

Friday 11 July 2014

The River Wissey & Denver

We decided to cruise on the River Wissey, which joins the River Great Ouse near Denver.

We turned onto the River Wissey on Tuesday evening (8 July) and moored here overnight

On Wednesday we passed the Wissington Sugar Beet Factory

Sugar is a major industry of the Fens and miles of the flat dark fields are devoted to the growing of beet

We stop briefly after turning around at Wittington.
This is the head of the Environment Agency Navigation

We arrived at the Denver Complex mooring on Wednesday 9 July.
The riverside pub was just a few yards away ....

...and Richard & Ruth, who live in nearby Marham, joined us for a meal

The next day Richard, Ruth and  John, a friend of theirs, joined us for a short cruise.
We then all enjoyed a meal in a local pub before going to Richard & Ruth's home for afternoon tea.

On Wednesday we did a short cruise on the Relief Channel to Downham Market, where we moored up and had a look round the town

We head back to the boat for the short trip back to the moorings at Denver Complex, where we will stay overnight

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