This is a picture blog of the travels of Slow Pace and crew during our 2014 cruise from our mooring at
Stanstead Abbotts to the Fens.

Our route will be via the River Lee, Hertford Union Canal, Regents Canal, Grand Union Paddington Arm,
Grand Union, GU Northampton Arm, River Nene, Mid-Level Navigations, River Great Ouse and The Cam.

Here a two maps to help plot our progress:

Canal Map South East

Canal Map South East

Fens Waterways Map

Fens Waterways Map

Monday 14 July 2014

Mid Level Navigation to Peterborough

We joined up with our friends Ivan & Sandra and their boat Mr Toad at Denver.
We will be cruising back together to Northampton.

We met up with Mr Toad at Denver on Friday 11 July and moored there overnight.

We put our life jackets for the short tidal stretch between Denver Lock and Salter's Load Lock

This is Denver Lock.
Locking in at Salter's Load Lock will take us on to the Mid Level Navigation

Mr Toad goes first...

...while we wait at the lock landing for our turn

Not much wind today!

We arrived at March on Saturday 12 July and stay here overnight

We arrived at Peterborough on Sunday July 13 

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