This is a picture blog of the travels of Slow Pace and crew during our 2014 cruise from our mooring at
Stanstead Abbotts to the Fens.

Our route will be via the River Lee, Hertford Union Canal, Regents Canal, Grand Union Paddington Arm,
Grand Union, GU Northampton Arm, River Nene, Mid-Level Navigations, River Great Ouse and The Cam.

Here a two maps to help plot our progress:

Canal Map South East

Canal Map South East

Fens Waterways Map

Fens Waterways Map

Monday 21 July 2014

Wellingborough to Stoke Bruerne

Our friend Neil joined us for 2 days 

We arrived at Northampton on Saturday 19 July and moored here overnight.
Our BBQ here was interrupted by hail stones!!

The next morning we said goodbye to Sandra & Ivan and their boat Mr Toad,
as they will be staying in the area for a few more days

We pass Blisworth

We moored at Stoke Bruerne on Sunday 20 July and enjoyed a meal at The Navigation.
I recommend Pedigree New World ale!

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